Name: SMS Filter Free.apk
ID: com.rm.sms.smsfilter
Version: 1.5
Size: 0.7 Mb
SMS Filter Free Screenshots
How to install SMS Filter Free apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
SMS Filter Free Description
Create filter and manage your messages.Keeps your default messaging app's inbox clean by getting rid of unwanted messages entering your default app's inbox.
You can also keep your sensitive messages protected with a password with this app.
Not only you can filter your annoying messages, but also manage them.
My inbox was getting spammed from lots of offers\advertisement messages. I wanted to get rid of them. Also at the same time I wanted my banking message secure and locked and export any messages i want to export. That's why i have implemented this app.
I will be happy if it helps others also. :) Please mail me any feedback, issues to improve it.
1) Add Filter: You can add any filter with some phone numbers.
Create a filter, specify the phone numbers and you are done. Messages for these phone numbers will be filtered out to this app's database.
3) Skip messages from entering your default inbox. Edit\Create filter with the option to skip messages from entering into the android's default messaging app. This will help you keeping default inbox clean and free from unwanted messages like commercial advertisement.
4) Manage your sensitive messages with this application. Create a filter for sensitive messages and enable the password protection for the application.
5) Password protected: Enable security in the settings and set a password. No one will be able to see your messages without a password.
6) Scan Inbox: After creating a filter you can choose to scan the android's default messaging app for any SMS which match your filter criteria. You can delete the SMSes from the default messaging app and copy to the application and manage them from the app.(export them, delete them)
7) Export Messages: Select filter and export messages as CSV format. You can export messages from all filters or for a particular filter or for a phone number.
Some advertisement messages don't have phone numbers if you see the SMS details. The sender of these SMS es may be something like LM-XXXX or anything in text (not a proper number and the prefix varies most of the time). For this messages if you want to create a filter instead of specifying the numbers you can use a pattern like *xxxx*. The app will filter the message if it contains xxxx in the sender’s phone number.
What's new in SMS Filter Free 1.5
Share exported messages.Bug fixes.
Download SMS Filter Free lastet APK
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How to download SMS Filter Free patch 1.5 apk for android
How to use SMS Filter Free unlimited apk
How to mod SMS Filter Free 1.5 apk
How to get SMS Filter Free unlimited apk