ID: gurbani.ujagar
Version: 10.0
Size: 30 Mb
Gurbani Ujagar Screenshots
How to install Gurbani Ujagar apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Gurbani Ujagar Details
Banis:***SGGS Translation:
---> Punjabi By Manmohan Singh Ji
---> Teeka By Prof. Sahib Singh Ji
---> English By Dr. Sant Singh Ji
***Teeka by Prof. Sahib Singh Ji of Banis:
--->Japji Sahib, Anand Sahib, Rehraas Sahib, Sukhmani Sahib, Sohila Sahib, Salok Mahalla 9, Laavan
***Punjabi Translation by Dr. Kulwant Singh Khokhar of Banis:
--->Jaap Sahib, Tab Parsad Swaiye, Chaupai Sahib
1. Easier to search and jump in to a specific page using the given options.
2. Night theme.
3. Bookmark Shabad/Ang option.
4. Long tap to be able to select the text to copy, share, web search. (Note: Copied text will be in transliteration).
5. Change the font size while reading.
6. SlideMenu to easily access to Gurbani.
7. Daily Inspiration from Sukrit Trust.
8. Screenshot of currently viewing ang.
***As always you are welcome to email with the wrong text that may appear so it can be taken care of. We all want gurbani in to be in correct format. Sorry for any inconvenience that may have occurred.
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Please email any concerns to Ivkaran Singh (Developer):
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