ID: us.edin.tapquiz
Version: 1.3
Size: 9.7 Mb
TAP QUIZ words spelling trivia Screen Preview
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- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
TAP QUIZ words spelling trivia Details
Play 'Tap Quiz - words trivia" to test your knowledge, practice english language spelling and word finding skills."Tap Quiz - words trivia" combines several word game genres and it can be played alone or with a room full of people.
Type answers using letters on the screen. Share the fun by asking family members and friends for help with the answers or the spelling.
As game progresses, questions gradually become more difficult. Please note that all letters on the screen including spaces and punctuation must be used to successfully complete each level.
You have 90 seconds to complete the level or it will reset itself by shuffling all letters and removing any already typed characters for that level.
Even if you don't know the answer, you can easily guess it just by combining letters on the screen into words. Spelling and typing practice is integral part of the game.
Typewriter style make it look very retro. Accompanying sounds will bring memories to anyone who ever used a typewriter.
Currently there are over 180 trivia and general knowledge questions. More will be added soon.
Submit your questions/answers suggestions here:
If you like "word trivia" type games, you will love Tap Quiz's refreshing approach to spelling-typing-word-finding-trivia-question-riddle-solving fun. App's minimalistic design makes it perfect for quick download over the mobile network.
What's new in TAP QUIZ words spelling trivia 1.3
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